Biden Administration Delays The Release Of JFK Assassination Files "Due To The Pandemic"...Wait, What?

The White House said Friday it would delay the release of long-classified documents related to the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy, while citing the 'significant impact' of the COVID-19 pandemic as cause for the holdup. 

President Joe Biden wrote in a statement that 'an interim release' of the remaining classified files 'shall be withheld from full public disclosure' until 'later this year' - nearly 60 years after Kennedy's assassination in Dallas, Texas in 1963.

A second batch of records will be released to the public in a 'more comprehensive release' in a little over a year on December 15, 2022, the memo announced.

Honest to God, every time an administration delays the release of JFK documents I just get more and more suspicious. What in the FUCK can be so dangerous to the current regime and power players in Washington about an assassination from 60 fucking years ago? Everyone that was involved HAS to be dead. The ONLY thing that can be dangerous is that it could incriminate the institutions themselves if the CIA/FBI/Military were involved in the assassination or worked to cover it up somehow. 

What an absolute BULLSHIT excuse too. Oh the pandemic caused the delay? This isn't a computer virus. You've got the files already. You've had them for 60 fucking years. Put that shit in a pdf and then all you need to do is click 'send' and it's over. How hard can that be? A pandemic has nothing to do with this. Stop lying and tell us why the CIA and the mafia conspired to kill Kennedy and why that was so dangerous and how exactly the CIA and the State is conspiring against us now. LGB

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